Empowering women to put themselves first by breaking down barriers and freeing themselves from the cycle of binge and emotional eating all the while working on self worth and body confidence.

Photo of Arlene Cullens

Hello and Welcome!

Arlene here!  

For around 25 years I was a chronic dieter, binge eater, emotional eater and over eater.  Over that time my confidence and self worth reached an all time low.  I came across Rachel Foy, founder of Soul Fed Woman® on line and her messaging was a revelation to me.

I worked with Rachel 1:1 to overcome my own food issues. When Rachel launched her certification program, I studied and qualified as a Certified Soul Fed Woman Coach®. 

Having walked the path and been on the journey myself, I have so much life experience, knowledge, support and care to give every woman I have the pleasure of working alongside.

Taking a holistic approach and using eating psychology, I am here to empower women to:

-  Change their relationship with food so they are in control. 

-  Be calm and peaceful around food.  

-  Break the cycle of binge eating and dieting so food no longer dominates thoughts and actions. 

-  Dig deep to find the root causes of the disordered relationship to food.

-  Discover a new way of doing food that does not involve will power or restriction.

-  Be happy in their body, whatever its size and shape. 

-  Have personal and professional success.

-  See that life is for living, happiness is a given and it's all there for the taking. 

Let's chat so you can get started on your own journey!

You're a strong, powerful, beautiful woman. 

With love and happiness 
Arlene x
Photo of Arlene Cullens
Free Resource - Bin Bingeing in 3 Steps

Free Resource

In this free resource, I'll show you 3 Steps to Bin Bingeing that will transform your relationship with food. 

This is for motivated, focussed women who are ready to take action now to live a life 100% in control of food.

Soul Fed Woman Certified Coach
Member of IPHM

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